5 Oral Health-Related New Year’s Resolutions

Patient writing down New Year's resolutions at desk

2022 is officially here! So, now is the perfect time to start creating some new healthy habits. For many Americans, this includes goals like going to the gym more, finding a more ideal work/life balance, or drinking more water. While these are all great, why not add some oral health-related New Year’s resolutions into the mix? Here are a few to consider!

#1. Floss Every Single Day

Sadly, about one-third of Americans don’t floss their teeth regularly. If you’re a part of this statistic, there is no time like the present to turn over a new leaf! To spark some inspiration, get a water flosser or pre-threaded floss, this will make the process simpler. Then, set a reminder on your phone or place your floss right next to your toothbrush to help you remember.

#2. Brush for a Full Two Minutes

If you go on autopilot the moment you pick up your toothbrush, you may only be brushing your teeth for 45-60 seconds. The ideal time is a full two minutes. The best way to break this bad habit and start a new one is by setting a timer up at the beginning of your oral hygiene regimen. (Note: you should also be using your mouthwash for the recommended time, which is usually 30-60 seconds).

#3. Eat More Nutrient-Dense Foods

Sugary, acidic, and starchy foods may be delicious, but they aren’t exactly mouth-healthy. This year, try incorporating more nutrient-dense foods into your diet, like fresh fruit, lean proteins, and raw vegetables. For a brighter smile, make sure to avoid dark-colored items, like balsamic glaze and ketchup.

#4. Quit Unhealthy Dental Habits

Smoking, biting your nails, chewing on ice, using your teeth as tools… these are all unhealthy dental habits that can take a serious toll on your smile. With a fresh start here, the time to quit is now. If you need some support, don’t hesitate to lean on friends, family, and even health professionals, like your doctor and dentist.

#5. Visit Your Dentist Every Six Months

Has it been over six months since you last visited your dentist? Then it’s time to get your next checkup and cleaning on the calendar! These routine visits are essential for both catching dental problems in the early stages and preventing others from developing. The best part is all it takes is one call to get both of your 2022 appointments on the calendar, increasing your chances of sticking to this resolution.

The start of 2022 presents a clean slate and an opportunity to go after new goals. While making this the best year yet, make sure to implement the above resolutions so you can have your best smile yet too!

About the Practice

When Dr. Kapish Goyal realized dentistry combined his two passions, art and science, he knew what he wanted to do with his life! He earned his dental doctorate at New York University and has more than a decade of experience helping patients achieve their best smiles. For him, making people in his treatment chair feel valued and cared for is always a priority. So, if you have a question about how to care for your smile, don’t hesitate to get in touch with him via his website or by phone at (757) 427-0695.