6 Tips for Preventing Dental Emergencies

Woman with a toothache

If you’ve ever had a dental emergency, you know just how intense and stressful the situation can be. They never happen at a convenient time, and it can be difficult to know what to do if you’re in a lot of pain. Fortunately, most dental emergencies are preventable if you’re taking the right preventive steps. Continue reading to learn some tips that can help to keep you from experiencing a dental emergency in the near future.

Notice Any Changes

If you’re feeling new pain in your mouth or a toothache suddenly disappears without an explanation, you should bring this up to your dentist. When you catch these types of changes early on, you are more likely to have them treated before becoming serious. For instance, if you have a toothache that vanishes, this could mean that an infection has killed the nerve on the inside of your tooth. By seeing your dentist as soon as possible, they will have a better chance of saving your tooth.

Excellent Oral Hygiene

You should be brushing twice and flossing once every day to minimize the presence of plaque, food particles, and bacteria. This way, you can avoid health issues like cavities and gum disease. Replace your toothbrush every three months or when you are noticing that it is starting to look frayed.

Cut Back on Sugar

Bacteria in the mouth feed off sugar and release a weak acid as a by-product. This is a problem because acid attacks your protective enamel by removing essential minerals. Ultimately, you are more likely to develop tooth decay. When you decide to have an occasional sugary treat, make sure that you are including it in one of your main meals to reduce the amount of time that your smile is vulnerable to damage.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated enough to produce an adequate amount of saliva. This is what is necessary to wash away food debris and maintain a neutral pH level. It also contains specific minerals that help to protect your teeth so that you don’t encounter decay.

Use a Mouthguard

Spending time staying active is important for your health, but contact sports can put you at risk for dental injuries. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be sitting on the sidelines. Ask your dentist about custom-made mouthguards. This way, you can stay out on the field without experiencing a broken or knocked-out tooth.

See Your Dentist

Seeing your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups is necessary to keep your smile in good shape. Your hygienist removes plaque and tartar from places that you can’t reach, and your dentist checks for preexisting issues so they can be resolved before becoming too serious.

Dental emergencies are never fun, so use the tips listed above. This way, you can keep your smile safe down the road.

About the Author

Dr. Kapish Goyal earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from New York University. Currently, he’s a Fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry and certified in laser dentistry. He is attending advanced training in dental implants to further elevate his clinical skillset. For more information on preventing dental emergencies or to schedule an appointment at his office in Virginia Beach, visit his website or call (757) 427-0695.